We all teach our kids to call 911 in an emergency, but one child took that advice in a way no one expected!
This young boy was having a hard time with his homework, specifically his math problems. He knew he needed help, but instead of asking a family member or teacher, he decided to call the only number he knew—911! After all, if 911 is for emergencies, and he was stuck on his homework, maybe they could help, right?

The 911 operator answered the call, ready for anything. But after a few confusing moments, they realized that the “emergency” wasn’t a life-or-death situation—it was a case of tough math homework!
The conversation between the boy and the operator was funny and adorable. Here’s how it went:
Operator: “911, what’s your emergency?”
Boy: “I need help.”
Operator: “Okay, what’s wrong?”
Boy: “It’s my math.”
Operator: “Your…mouth?”
Boy: “No, no! My math! I have to finish it. Can you help me?”
Operator: “Alright. Where do you live?”
Boy: “I can’t do the math.”
Operator: “I get that, but where are you?”
Boy: “I don’t want to say where I live. I just want to talk to you!”
Operator: “Well, I can’t help you with math over the phone. I can send someone to help, though.”
Boy: “Okay.”
Operator: “What kind of math problem are you working on?”
Boy: “They’re takeaways.”
Operator: “Ah, subtraction. Alright, what’s the problem?”
Boy: “What’s 8 minus 16?”
Operator: “Hmm, what do you think it is?”
Boy: “I don’t know…is it 1?”
Operator: “Not quite. How old are you?”
Boy: “I’m four.”
Operator: “Four! Wow, that’s a tough question for a four-year-old. What’s the next one?”
Boy: “It’s five takeaways.”
Operator: “Okay, what’s 5 minus 5?”
Boy: “Five!”
Just then, a woman’s voice could be heard in the background.
Woman: “Johnny, what are you doing?!”
Boy: “I’m getting help with my math from the policeman.”
Woman: “I told you to call someone if you needed help, but not the police!”
Operator: “It’s okay, ma’am. He called 911 for math help.”
Boy: “You said to call someone for help!”
Woman: “I didn’t mean the police!”
The whole exchange was priceless. The boy took his mom’s advice to heart and really thought 911 could solve all his problems, even math! The operator handled it with patience and kindness, and the moment left everyone involved, especially the boy’s mom, both embarrassed and amused.
This hilarious and sweet moment reminds us of the innocent, literal way kids think. They don’t always understand the difference between real emergencies and smaller problems, and sometimes that can lead to funny situations like this one!