A mother gets viral attention for the shirt she made her son wear to school.

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A Texas mother, determined to teach her son a valuable lesson, made a bold decision after discovering something troubling about his behavior. Her son had been causing problems at school, and the school administrators had noticed. They approached the mother to tell her that her son had been bullying other kids.

The mother, who asked to be identified only by her first name, Star, was shocked and upset when she learned her son had been calling other children “idiots” and “stupid.” She knew this was wrong and needed to do something to teach him a lesson. So, Star came up with a tough idea: she made her son wear a T-shirt that read, “I am a BULLY.”

Star wasn’t just punishing her son in private; she wanted the whole school—and even the world—to know about her son’s bad behavior. She knew that other children at Greenleaf Elementary School had heard about how he treated others, and she thought it was important for everyone to see that she believed them.

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She wanted her son to understand the seriousness of his actions, so she forced him to wear the T-shirt at school. But it didn’t stop there—Star posted a picture of her son wearing the shirt on her Facebook account, where thousands of people could see it.

In her post, Star explained her decision. “I posted it to reach out to the parents of any of the kids my son may have bullied so that each one of them could get a personal apology,” she wrote. She believed this was an important step in making sure her son understood the impact of his actions.

Not everyone agreed with Star’s method, however. Some people thought it was too harsh to humiliate her child like that. But Star defended herself. “I wanted to know what he learned from it,” she said. “And he said, ‘I learned that I didn’t like the way that felt, and I don’t want anybody else to feel that way because of me.’”

For Star, this was the lesson she hoped her son would take away from the experience: that bullying others is wrong, and how it feels to be humiliated. She was glad to hear him say that he didn’t want to make others feel the way he did while wearing the T-shirt.

Despite Star’s explanation, experts in child development disagreed with her decision. A child psychiatrist at Baylor College of Medicine criticized the punishment.

“It’s not a good idea to embarrass your child and reinforce a negative identity in an elementary school child,” the psychiatrist said. “She needs to find somebody to help her, and I think the school is one resource.”

The expert warned that this kind of punishment could harm a child’s self-esteem and make the problem worse.

Even though she faced criticism, Star stood by her choice. She said the school system supported her decision, pointing out that parents have the right to make important decisions for their children.

The school made a statement saying, “Parents have the right to make important decisions and take certain actions on behalf of their child.”


Star’s tough decision sparked a lot of debate, and many people had strong opinions. Some thought she was right to teach her son a lesson in a direct way, while others believed her actions went too far.

What do you think of Star’s punishment for her son? Do you agree with her method, or do you think she should have handled the situation differently? Share your thoughts in the comments below!