As soon as she put the comb in her hair, the hairdresser was shocked

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A mother took her eight-year-old daughter to a salon for a fresh haircut before school started. They patiently waited for their turn, and soon enough, the girl sat down in the salon chair, excited about her new look.

The hairdresser, smiling, started to run a comb through the girl’s hair. But as she parted the hair, her smile quickly faded. Her eyes widened as she realized something was terribly wrong. Tiny creatures, thousands of them, were crawling all over the girl’s scalp. The hairdresser froze for a moment, shocked. Lice.

Without wasting a second, she turned to the girl’s mother, her voice filled with concern. “Ma’am, your daughter has lice. A lot of them.”

The mother barely looked up from her phone, giving a casual shrug. “Yeah, I know. But I didn’t really know how to get rid of them, and I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.”

The hairdresser was speechless. How could a mother be so nonchalant about this? She took a deep breath, trying to stay professional. “Lice can spread easily, especially when kids are around each other in school. It’s really important to deal with it as soon as possible.”

But the mother didn’t seem too worried, simply nodding as if she’d already heard it all before. The hairdresser knew she had to stop the haircut immediately; she couldn’t risk the other clients in the salon getting lice too. After the mother and daughter left, the hairdresser decided to share the story publicly. People needed to understand how dangerous lice could be, especially for young children.

Lice might seem like a minor problem at first, but they spread quickly and can lead to bigger issues. They jump from person to person through close physical contact, or even by sharing hats, hairbrushes, or bedding. In schools, where kids are constantly close together, lice can spread like wildfire.

If you find out that someone in your family has lice, it’s important to act fast. There are over-the-counter lice treatment products that can help, but in some cases, visiting a doctor is the best option.


There are a few key signs to watch for if you’re worried about lice:

  1. Severe itching on the scalp, body, or even the genital area. Lice bites cause irritation that can make someone scratch constantly.
  2. Feeling something crawling in the hair. It can be an unsettling sensation, as if something tiny is moving on the scalp.
  3. Spotting actual lice in the hair, on clothes, or other parts of the body. These small, sesame seed-sized insects can be hard to see, but once spotted, it’s clear what they are.
  4. Eggs of lice, called nits, stuck to the hair. Nits are small, round, and cling to the hair near the scalp. They can often be mistaken for dandruff but are much harder to remove.
  5. Red bumps from scratching. Constant scratching can irritate the skin, leading to red bumps on the scalp, neck, and shoulders. If scratched too much, these bumps can get infected.
  6. Bite marks in sensitive areas like the groin, upper thighs, waist, or pelvis. These bites can cause itching and discomfort.

The hairdresser’s story became a wake-up call for many parents. Lice aren’t just an inconvenience—they need to be treated seriously and swiftly to prevent them from spreading.