Boy buys fruit for ill grandma with last cash, store owner makes unexpected hospital visit

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The Story of Tyler and the Fruits for Grandma

As the cashier counted the coins, I couldn’t help but notice the determined little boy standing in front of me. He was carefully watching her, his face lit with excitement but also a hint of nervousness. I decided to strike up a conversation.

“That’s a lot of fruit you’ve got there,” I said, smiling. “Who are those for?”

He turned to me, his eyes bright. “They’re for my grandma. She’s in the city hospital. Fruits are going to help her get better!”

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“That’s sweet of you! What’s your name, young man?”

“Tyler,” he replied proudly.

“Tyler, that’s an impressive amount of money you’ve saved up,” I said, glancing at the pile of coins. “But it looks like you’re actually $14 short. Don’t worry, though. Why don’t you go ahead and take these fruits to your grandma?”

Tyler’s face turned serious. “No, no. I don’t want to take any of it for free!” he said firmly.

Suddenly, his eyes sparkled with an idea. “Wait! I’ve got it!”

A Grandson’s Love for Grandma

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Tyler’s grandma, Martha, wasn’t just his caregiver; she was his best friend. The two shared an unbreakable bond, and Tyler missed her terribly since she had been admitted to the hospital. His dad took him to visit her as often as possible, but it wasn’t the same as having her at home.

That morning, Tyler had been sitting on the porch, watching an old video on his dad’s phone. It showed him and his grandma laughing together, their joy infectious. Her laughter always made him feel safe and loved. Now that she was in the hospital, Tyler wanted to take care of her, just like she’d always taken care of him.

He remembered something his grandma used to say: “Food is like medicine, Tyler. When you’re sick, it’s your body’s way of telling you what it needs.” Inspired, he thought of bringing her fresh fruits.

The Riddle Game

Excited by his plan, Tyler dashed to his room and grabbed his piggy bank. It was heavy with coins he had earned solving his grandma’s riddles. She used to pay him 50 cents for each correct answer, and Tyler loved those moments of puzzling and laughing together.

The next morning, he persuaded his dad to stop at a grocery store on their way to the hospital. “Please, Dad! It’s for Grandma! It’s a surprise!”

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Once inside the store, Tyler didn’t hold back. He grabbed kiwis, strawberries, bananas, oranges—everything he thought his grandma would like. Then he marched up to the counter, dumped his piggy bank on the register, and said confidently, “Good morning! I’d like all these, please! I’ve got $42.50 here. Is that enough?”

The cashier, Stella, was taken aback by the little boy’s politeness and determination. As she counted the coins, she realized he was $14 short.

“Sweetheart,” she said, “you’re a bit short, but I’ll let you take all the fruits for your grandma.”

But Tyler shook his head. “No, I don’t want it for free!” He thought for a moment, then grinned. “How about this? I’ll ask you a riddle. If you get it right, I’ll ask my dad for more money. But if you can’t, I’ll pay with what I have!”

Intrigued, Stella nodded. “Alright, let’s hear it!”

The Riddle That Stumped Everyone

Tyler took a deep breath and asked, “What is always in front of us but can’t be seen?”

The other customers in line started guessing. “Air?” one said. “Your glasses?” another offered. Stella furrowed her brow, trying to think. Finally, she admitted defeat.

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“I give up,” she said.

“The answer is…the future!” Tyler announced with a triumphant grin.

The small crowd chuckled and clapped. Stella smiled warmly, handing him the bags of fruits. “You’re a clever boy, Tyler. These are on the house.”

A Special Surprise at the Hospital

At the hospital, Tyler burst into his grandma’s room, his arms full of fruit. “Look, Grandma! I got these for you!”

Martha beamed with pride as Tyler recounted his adventure. “You’re so thoughtful, Tyler,” she said, laughing.

As they talked, someone knocked on the door. It was Stella, holding another bag of fruits.

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” she said shyly. “I was so touched by Tyler’s kindness that I wanted to help. I’d like to cover your medical bills.”

The family was stunned. Tyler’s mom and dad, who had been struggling financially, were overwhelmed with gratitude. Martha pressed her hands to her heart, her eyes glistening with tears.

“And,” Stella added, “there will be a bag of fruits waiting for Tyler every week at my store. It’s my way of saying thank you for reminding me of my own grandma.”

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Stella shared a secret as she left. Tyler’s riddle had been the last one her own grandmother had ever asked her, and she still cherished the 50-cent coin she’d earned for answering it.

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