‘I’m against It!’ Older Man Stops Wedding, a Minute Later Cops Arrest Groom – Story of the Day

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The church was filled with guests, their whispers blending with the soft hum of wedding music. Hilary stood at the altar, her hands trembling slightly as she held onto Myron’s. This was the man she loved, the man she had chosen to spend the rest of her life with. The priest’s voice rang through the hall as he asked the traditional question:

“If anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

For a moment, silence filled the air. Then, the heavy doors of the church burst open, and an elderly man stormed in, his voice echoing through the sacred walls.

“I object! This wedding cannot happen!”

Gasps erupted from the crowd. Hilary’s heart pounded. Myron’s grip on her hand tightened. She turned to him, searching his face for answers, but he looked pale and furious.

The First Meeting

The memory of the night she met Myron played in her mind. It had been at a friend’s party, a lively evening filled with laughter and music. Hilary had been standing in a corner, sipping her drink, when a charming stranger approached her.

“You’re gorgeous,” Myron had said with a confident smile.

Hilary felt a rush of warmth. It had been so long since someone had looked at her like that. She had spent years in a toxic relationship with a man who never appreciated her. But here was Myron, admiring her like she was the most beautiful woman in the room.

They talked all evening. Myron had a way with words, making her laugh with his jokes and impressing her with his stories. By the end of the night, she felt a connection she hadn’t felt in years.

The next day, he invited her to meet at the park. They walked together, talking about their dreams, fears, and past experiences. Myron listened intently, nodding as she spoke. Then, he suddenly stopped, took her hands in his, and said:

“Hilary, I think you’re the girl I’ve been looking for all my life. Will you be my girlfriend?”

Hilary gasped, covering her mouth with her hands. “What?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. It had only been two days since they met!

“Will you be my girlfriend?” Myron repeated, looking deep into her eyes.

Tears welled up in Hilary’s eyes as she whispered, “Yes! I’ll be your girlfriend, Myron.”

Love and Doubts

Hilary’s parents were skeptical when she told them about Myron. “Are you sure about this?” her mother asked.

But when Myron met them, he charmed his way into their hearts. He shared his tragic past, telling them he had lost his parents at a young age.

“Don’t worry,” her mother said, patting his hand. “We are your parents now. You can always count on us.”

Hilary felt relieved. If her parents approved of Myron, then surely she had made the right choice.

Five months later, Myron proposed at an expensive restaurant. He knelt before her in front of dozens of people.

“Hilary, I want to spend my life with you. Will you marry me?”

Tears streamed down her face as she nodded. “Yes!”

They started planning their wedding, but little things about Myron began to bother her. He seemed more interested in wedding gifts than their future.

“I can’t wait to see all the expensive gifts we’ll get!” he had said excitedly.

Hilary forced a smile. Shouldn’t he be talking about their future instead of presents?

Then, a few days before the wedding, Myron asked for a prenuptial agreement. “If you ever divorce me, you’ll have to pay a huge amount,” he chuckled.

Hilary hesitated but agreed after her lawyer assured her it was normal.

Then came the biggest shock.

While cleaning Myron’s cupboard, she found a divorce certificate with his name on it.

“You were married before?!” she confronted him.

Myron sighed. “It was a mistake. I was young and foolish. It meant nothing.”

Hilary wasn’t sure what to believe. Doubt crept into her heart, but Myron’s sweet words convinced her once again.

Wedding Day Revelation

Now, in the church, the elderly man who had interrupted the wedding walked toward them.

“Who are you?” Hilary asked, her voice shaking.

“I’m Myron’s father. My name is Mr. Brown.”

Hilary’s world spun. “But… he told me his parents were dead!”

Mr. Brown’s expression darkened. “He lies. He has been scamming women for years, marrying them, taking their money, then leaving. I warned him, but he never listened.”

Hilary gasped, her knees going weak. “No… that can’t be true…”

Suddenly, police officers rushed in. Myron tried to run, but they surrounded him.

“Myron is under arrest for fraud!” an officer announced.

“No!” Hilary screamed. “Myron, tell them it’s not true!”

But Myron didn’t say a word. Instead, he struggled against the officers as they dragged him away.

Hilary collapsed, sobbing. “Why? Why did you do this to me?”

Mr. Brown knelt beside her. “I know this hurts, but I had to stop him before he hurt you like he did to others.”

A few months later, Myron was sentenced to prison and ordered to repay every woman he had scammed. Hilary received her share of the settlement, but instead of keeping it, she gave it to Mr. Brown.

“This is for you. Thank you for saving me.”

Mr. Brown smiled sadly. “You’re a kind woman, Hilary. You deserve real love.”

Lessons Learned

  1. You can’t escape the truth forever. Myron thought he could deceive women forever, but eventually, his lies caught up to him.
  2. Love isn’t blind—it’s about trust. Hilary ignored the red flags because she wanted to believe in love. It’s important to listen to your instincts and not let emotions cloud your judgment.
  3. Sometimes, the hardest decisions are the right ones. Mr. Brown turned his son in, knowing it was the only way to stop him.

Hilary walked away from this experience stronger, wiser, and ready to find the love she truly deserved.