This poor dog was abandoned, something no animal should ever go through. She was left in a run-down home with a barred gate after her owner passed away, two years ago. The loyal dog waited day after day for her owner to return, desperately needing grooming and care.
Animal rescuers finally heard about the dog from a woman named Boksil, who lived down the street. When she saw the little dog, she was horrified. She had been giving her one meal a day.

When the rescuers arrived, it started to rain. They felt so sorry for the poor dog, but they couldn’t reach her because she was behind a locked gate.
As the rain fell, the woman from across the street approached. She explained what had happened, making it clear that Boksil was not her dog. The dog was very cautious, making it nearly impossible to catch her.

The woman told the rescuers she could only help the dog from a distance. “She won’t let me get any closer,” she said.
The rescuers were determined to find a way to catch Boksil. She desperately needed a second chance and a new home. They set up a camera from a distance and watched how Boksil left the house. She crawled out to get to the food and water, which was a relief to see.

Their goal was to figure out how to capture Boksil. She needed a fresh start and a place to live. Watching from afar, they saw Boksil crawl under the gate after eating and drinking. Now, they had a chance to reach her.

Boksil crossed the road and sat there, her heavy fur matted and dirty. It was a heartbreaking sight. She waited for her owner, watching every car that passed, hoping one would stop.

The rescuers realized they needed a new plan to save her. The next day, when they arrived, Boksil ran up the nearby mountain as soon as she heard them. This time, they weren’t giving up! With a mission to capture her and change her life, the rescuers chased after her.

Please watch the video below to see what happens next. It’s too good to miss!
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