Some people are born with a knack for business. Mix that with determination, a bit of risk-taking, and a desire to test their skills, and you have a winning combination.
Meet Seth, an 11-year-old from Utah who has already started his own business, and his clever marketing has everyone talking.
Instead of selling lemonade like most kids, Seth decided to offer something different. He stood by the sidewalk holding a sign that read, “Ice Cold Beer.”

Some neighbors were worried, thinking a kid was selling alcohol, so they called the police. However, others thought it was clever and applauded his entrepreneurial spirit.
Soon, a few officers arrived at Seth’s booth. But instead of reprimanding him, they had a great time.
It turned out this young entrepreneur was selling root beer! The word “root” was written in tiny green letters above the big “Beer” sign.
The Brigham City Police Department saw Seth’s sign as a smart marketing tactic. Not every kid could come up with something like this.

When the story hit the internet, people couldn’t stop talking about it.
One person commented, “He is smart, tidy, and clean. Working diligently and thinking about what suits the public. With that mindset, he can go anywhere! And with those great police officers supporting him, he has great mentoring! Love this!”
Some people thought those who reported Seth to the police should feel ashamed, but the department disagreed. “Our citizens should never feel ashamed or embarrassed to call us,” they said. “They were just reporting what they thought was a suspicious situation. No harm was done.”

The police even bought a root beer for $1 and helped promote Seth’s business by sharing his adorable story.
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