Son Kicks Out 80-Year-Old Mother to Nursing Home, Years Later Doesn’t Find Her There — Story of the Day

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When 80-year-old Edith lost the ability to walk and had to use a wheelchair, her son Henry made a heartbreaking decision—he placed her in a nursing home. Years later, when karma struck him hard, he realized his mistake. He wanted to make things right, but when he arrived at the nursing home, Edith was nowhere to be found.

Henry Griffith had been raised by his single mother, Edith, after his father died when Henry was just four years old. Edith had him later in life, and she cherished him with every fiber of her being. She worked tirelessly, making sure Henry never missed out on anything.

Henry loved his mother just as much. He appreciated all her sacrifices and did whatever he could to make her proud. But their relationship changed when Henry met Courtney Jackson during his university years.

In just a month of dating, Courtney convinced Henry to move in with her. They pooled their savings from part-time jobs and bought a small condo. After a few years, they got married. That’s when Courtney began pushing for something else.

“Henry, don’t you think it would be better if we moved in with your mom?” she suggested one evening, stirring sugar into her tea.

Henry hesitated. “Move in with Mom? Why?”

Courtney sighed dramatically. “Think about it. We could save money to buy a bigger house, and besides, your mom is getting older. She could use some extra help. It’s the best thing for everyone.”

Henry wasn’t sure, but Courtney was persuasive. Eventually, he gave in, and they moved into Edith’s house. At first, everything seemed fine. Then, three years later, their son Liam was born, and things changed drastically.

Courtney refused to do housework, claiming, “I’m a new mom, Henry. I barely get any sleep! How can you expect me to cook and clean?”

Edith, wanting to help, took over the chores. But Courtney took advantage of her kindness, treating her more like a maid than a grandmother. She even used Edith as a free babysitter whenever she went out with friends.

One day, Edith finally spoke up. “Courtney, I love Liam, but I’m getting older. I can’t do everything on my own.”

Courtney gasped as if she’d been slapped. “Are you saying I’m a bad mother?”

“What? No, that’s not—”

Henry walked in just as Courtney started to cry. “Henry, your mom thinks I’m neglecting our baby!” she sobbed.

Edith was stunned. That wasn’t what she meant at all! But Henry, caught between the two women in his life, took Courtney’s side. “Mom, you didn’t have to say that,” he said, shaking his head.

That day, Edith realized she would never win against Courtney’s manipulations.

Years later, when Liam grew older and no longer needed a babysitter, Courtney decided Edith had outlived her usefulness.

“She’s in a wheelchair, Henry,” Courtney whispered one night. “She’s not helping around the house. She just takes up space.”

Henry frowned. “That’s my mother.”

“I know, babe, and I love her, too. But don’t you think she’d be happier in a nursing home? There, she’d have people to take care of her all the time.”

At first, Henry refused. But when Courtney became pregnant again, she finally got her way.

One day, after falling ill, she clutched Henry’s arm. “It’s your mom,” she whispered weakly. “I know she didn’t mean to, but she made lunch today, and afterward, I got sick. What if next time it’s worse? What if our baby gets hurt?”

Henry’s eyes widened. “Mom doesn’t cook…”

“I know! That’s what’s scary. Maybe she forgot. Maybe she’s confused.” Courtney sighed. “I’m just saying, we have to think about our family’s safety.”

Henry’s heart ached, but in the end, his fatherly instincts won. He made the painful choice to send Edith to a nursing home.

That night, over dinner, he broke the news. “Mom, I think a nursing home would be best for you. There, you’ll have people to take care of you properly.”

Edith’s hands trembled. “A nursing home?” she whispered. “But Henry, I don’t need extra care. I can manage.”

“No, Mom. This is happening. I’ll take you there tomorrow.”

Edith turned to Courtney, who smirked in victory. She knew then that she had lost. “Can I ask one favor before I go?” she murmured. “Will you visit me?”

“Of course, Mom,” Henry said. “Every weekend.”

But he never did.

Months passed. Then years. Henry got busy with his children. He barely thought of Edith—until karma hit him like a train.

Courtney betrayed him. He found her in bed with his best friend. And as if that wasn’t enough, she had transferred all his assets into her name. She kicked him out of the house and turned Liam against him.

“I don’t want to see you, Dad,” Liam said coldly one day.

The words stung. That was the moment Henry remembered his mother—how he had thrown her away like she didn’t matter. Realizing his mistake, he rushed to the nursing home to bring her back.

But she was gone.

“She left two years ago,” the receptionist told him. “She married our janitor, David. He treated her like family when you didn’t.”

Henry was speechless. His mother had been abandoned and alone, and yet, she had found love and happiness.

Determined to make amends, Henry went to the address the receptionist gave him. He found a small cottage near a farm and knocked on the door. When it opened, Edith sat there in her wheelchair, looking healthier and happier than he had ever seen her.

“Henry?” she gasped.

Tears filled his eyes. “I’m sorry, Mom,” he choked out. “I was wrong. I sent you away, and now I know how it feels. Courtney took everything from me—my kids, my house. I only see them sometimes. I finally understand what I did to you.”

Edith’s eyes softened. “Oh, my boy…”

“I don’t deserve forgiveness, but if there’s any way—”

“Enough,” Edith said firmly. “I forgave you a long time ago.” She pulled him into a hug. “Two wrongs don’t make a right, Henry. People who want to change should be given a second chance.”

Henry sobbed in her arms. “I missed you so much, Mom.”

That day, Henry met David and thanked him for taking care of Edith. Wanting to stay close, he bought a house nearby. Then, as a final surprise, he planned a destination wedding for Edith and David in Miami.

At the wedding, Henry met Clara—a woman who not only accepted him but also embraced Edith and David. Soon, they all became a big, happy family.

Moral of the Story:

  • A mother’s love knows no limits. Edith forgave Henry despite everything.
  • Karma is real. Henry abandoned his mother and later lost everything.
  • Don’t let others decide for you. If Henry hadn’t believed Courtney’s lies, he wouldn’t have suffered so much.

Henry learned his lesson the hard way. But in the end, love and forgiveness won.