Steve, a farmer from Scotland, had a small herd of dairy cows. One day, he noticed that Lila, usually his best milk producer, had suddenly stopped giving milk. After the vet confirmed that she was healthy, Steve decided to investigate further.
He followed Lila one evening as she wandered towards the forest bordering the meadow where the cows grazed. He watched quietly as Lila separated from the herd and entered a secluded clearing in the woods. Steve followed cautiously, not wanting to startle her.

In the clearing, Steve discovered Lila standing protectively over a tiny calf. It seemed Lila had given birth there weeks ago, hiding the calf away from the rest of the herd. Steve took a moment to understand why Lila had kept this a secret.
“It was clear Lila wasn’t happy with how things were,” Steve later explained to reporters. So, he decided to leave Lila and her calf together. This event made Steve rethink how he managed his farm.

The discovery taught Steve a valuable lesson about the bond between cows and their calves. It also reminded him to pay closer attention to his animals’ needs and behaviors.
To see more heartwarming stories like Steve’s, you can watch the video.