These Apple Varieties are Best for Pies or Baked Apples

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Not every apple variety is suitable for baking. Some types taste better raw, while others develop their full flavor only when baked. For example, Elstar apples are great for baking.

There are around 30,000 different apple varieties worldwide, with about 4,000 varieties grown in Germany alone. But which apple is best for baking, which for cooking, and which has the most intense flavor?

There are Table Apples and Cooking Apples Apple varieties can be broadly divided into table apples and cooking apples. Cooking apples are best for cooking or baking, as they develop their full flavor only when heated.

Apple Tip If you’re unsure whether to eat the apple raw or use it in a pie, choose varieties like Boskoop, Gala, or Elstar. They taste delicious both raw and baked.

When buying apples for baking, choose varieties that are classified as cooking apples. While table apples taste great raw – they’re not too sour and have a pleasant texture – cooking apples reveal their true flavor only through the cooking process. Raw cooking apples are often sour or not very flavorful, so don’t be fooled. The texture is also important when choosing apples for baking. While it’s desirable for apples to break down when making compote or applesauce, it’s nicer for a tart, cake, or muffins if the apple pieces remain firm.

Good for Baking: Elstar, Gala, Braeburn, and Granny Smith Boskoop or Gravenstein apples, for example, are excellent for baking. But also the apple varieties Cox Orange, Elstar, Fuji, Jonagold, Pink Lady, Gala, Golden Delicious, Braeburn, or Granny Smith create delightful apple pie. Try different varieties to see which ones you like best, and feel free to bake with multiple varieties at once.


  • Boskoop
  • Braeburn
  • Cox Orange
  • Elstar
  • Fuji
  • Gala
  • Golden Delicious
  • Granny Smith
  • Gravensteiner
  • Jonagold
  • Pink Lady

The Perfect Apple Varieties for Baked Apples Unlike apple pie, it’s important for baked apples that the apple doesn’t fall apart during baking. Boskoop or Holsteiner Cox apples maintain their shape in the oven and are therefore best suited for making baked apples. Additionally, a baked apple should be easy to scoop out after baking. Both of these varieties meet this criterion.