Meet Rio, a beautiful golden retriever who just surprised her owners by giving birth to nine adorable puppies. Among the typical golden fur, one puppy stood out with a vivid green coat! Could it be real?
When the owners saw this unusual sight, they were completely shocked. A green puppy is not something you see every day! Surprisingly, it has happened before. In fact, there have only been three documented cases of green puppies.

So, what could cause this strange phenomenon? German scientists think it might be due to the puppies being exposed to biliverdin, a green pigment found in the placenta and associated with bile. As odd as it sounds, this pigment can sometimes give puppies a temporary green tint at birth.
Louise Sutherland, Rio’s owner, was stunned when she first saw the green puppy. “We were in shock,” she told The Sun. The story of the green puppy quickly went viral, capturing hearts all over the world.

The interesting thing is that the green color doesn’t last long. With gentle baths from their loving mother, the green slowly faded away. Soon, this unique little puppy looked just like his siblings.
But Louise didn’t mind the change. She had already formed a special bond with him and decided to name him Forest, honoring his extraordinary start in life.
What would it be like to own a green puppy? It’s an amazing and adorable sight. Let’s all wish Forest the very best on his life’s journey! Share this story of the cute green fur ball to spread his unique joy and happiness.
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