It can be quite scary to encounter unexpected critters, especially when it’s a poisonous snake! Just ask the mother of a girl who had a frightening experience in her backyard on her daughter’s seventh-grade graduation day.
The mother was trying to take a photo of her daughter next to a tree when she felt something cold. Her daughter was smiling for the camera when suddenly, a snake slithered out of the tree! Luckily, both the mother and daughter were unharmed, even though they were very startled.
“The snake was terrifying, so I took two pictures when I saw it. I was remarkably calm when I asked her to back off, but I think she read right into my expression,” the mother said.

Seeing a snake can be a frightening experience for anyone. It’s important to stay calm and not panic. Snakes can be dangerous depending on the species, so what should you do if you encounter one?
First and foremost, give the snake some space. The best thing to do is to leave it alone. If you can safely identify the species, it’s helpful to know what it is so you can figure out how far away to stay. However, trying to handle or trap a wild snake is very dangerous and could be fatal for both the person and the snake.
If you find yourself close to a snake, slowly back away until you are at a safe distance. By keeping an eye on it from a distance, you can ensure that others nearby stay safe too.
If possible, call local wildlife officials once you’re at a safe distance. They have the expertise to handle the situation and make sure the snake is either rehabilitated if hurt or returned to its natural habitat.

It’s crucial to remember that snakes are an important part of their ecosystems and should not be harmed unless absolutely necessary. By giving them space, you protect yourself and these creatures.
If you’re interested in learning more about snakes, there are many resources and books written by professional herpetologists.
Knowing the types of snakes in your area can help you identify them quickly and take the right actions if you encounter one.
Remember, living in harmony with nature means respecting the snake’s place in the ecosystem and ensuring your own safety!
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